Sunday, September 10, 2006

Football Time?

I went to the Titans' opening day game. Not much of a GAME though.
But here's a couple pics of the highlights of my adventure.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow...Titans fan? Or just some freak looking for attention? He spoke like the movie character as well as carried on flamboyantly as well. Hmmmmm.....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Thought this was a neat deal. Pregame 9/11 ceremony.

I'm in Louisville, KY all this week learning all there is to know about State Farm Life Insurance. woohoo! It's Life "Boot Camp". yeehaw.....


TB Fly said...

What does one thing have to do with the other? I think I get it. You would rather be somewhere else like a football game or on the lake instead of stuck indoors all day, right? You are definitely someone who enjoys the simple pleasures in life. During a career required function there is very little that we take for granted in the way of simple pleasures even if it is a bunch of barbarians kicking each others' butts, but hey I am the girly girl who doesn't appreciate football games. I glad there are those out there who do. Differences is what make s the world go around which brings me to the Johnny Depp wannabe. What is that? I could understand a Halloween party, but a football game? I guess that was a pretty long comment.

The Ichthyophile said...

they have nothing to do with the other....other than they were basically the only highlights of the game. no point to this blog TB Fly....just posting pics. I'm off duty this week.