Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Sky is Blue

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Sticking with the superhero topic, Captain Obvious should have been the press agent to break the news to the world about Lance Bass this past week. With risk of being cliche, who didn't see THAT coming!? I mean, were you really surprised? If so then you might be interested in these warning labels.
Hot coffee will scald your crotch? Defrost a frozen dinner before eating? Are you telling me I can't blowdry my hair in the shower? A member of N'sync is gay? Well shut my mouth!

I guess it won't be too long before this group will have to modify their signs and add N'sync to God's hate list. This is about the only Christian group the ACLU has stood beside and defended in recent memory, not in support of their irrational beliefs (which their member and spokesman Michael Gross has admitted) but for their right to speak them. They've stood up for these people who proclaim such nonsense with no consideration of civil responsibility, restraint, nor respect. We all have civil rights and the primary right being that of freedom of speech. But just because I have the right to say something does not mean I should; especially in such a close proximity of a fellow citizen's funeral ceremony. My suggestion to the Westboro Baptist Church is if God is going to hate Lance Bass it should be because he was in N'sync....not because he is gay.


TB Fly said...

I liked N'SYNC back in the day when boy bands were cool. No it doesn't surprise me that Lance Bass is gay. We shouldn't hate anyone even if they do have crappy taste in music!

The Ichthyophile said...

TB fly: EVEN IF they like Yanni and Journey?

TB Fly said...

Journey is a great band!